Ann Marie Newman

Storyteller/Poet/Artist/Oopsy Annie
I am a creative dreamer who grew up to be a performance storyteller, writer, poet, book author, conceptual artist. I learn through the creative process of being curious, asking questions, finding answers, and expressing my findings through creating. My Oopsy Annie YouTube channel is a vivid, visual model how I experience and express my life. My prolific, creative life is made manifest through my life's calling to be a "story sharer". Everything I do and make is a form of communication, a dialogue of sorts, with myself, you and world outside our doors.
Creative Highlights
2016 summer Artist in Residence for the Haley-Henman Contemporary Art Gallery in Dallas, TX. My installation, Interweaving, was a conceptual and process driven three-month long interactive experience featuring spoken word artists and community participation.
Storyteller in Residence, Dallas Museum of Art. Presented interactive story programs for family audiences, family audiences, autistic children, Alzheimer’s patients, docents and homeschooled children. Taught youth summer art camps. Featured in DMA's Divine Felines: Cats of Ancient Egypt exhibit. Patrons heard my retellings of myths on Egyptian deities at featured listening stations.
Taught summer camp art classes at Dallas Theater Center for ages 8-18, summer 2014.
Published author in many poetry anthologies, and co-author of Poetic Progression. Wrote, illustrated, designed three three poetry zines, 2023.
Work Experience
Twenty-eight years as a professional storyteller for a wide variety of venues.
Responsible for developing and implementing story programs and art classes while incorporating Dallas Museum of Art’s exhibit and gallery art.
Published author of articles, Poetic Progression (book), poetry anthologies, zines.
Unique, Multi-Disciplinary Skill Set
· Storyteller and Storytelling Coach
· Creative Writer/Poet
· Creator of YouTube channel: Oopsy Annie
· Youth Summer Arts Camp Instructor.
· Museum Docent Storytelling Trainer
· Visual Artist, Sculptor, Maker, Builder
· Founder of Foundologie: Handmade goods crafted from found materials.
· Workshop Presenter (Art, Storytelling, Poetry)
Professional ​

Newsletter designer (Graphic Arts)
Poetry Slammer Producer, Emcee, Participant
Poetry Slammer
Storytelling Performance Artist
Storytelling Coach
Creative Writer/Poet
Workshop Presenter
Creative Consultant
Youth Summer Arts Camp Instructor
Museum Docent Storytelling on Tours Trainer
Visual Artist
Conceptual Artist
Founder Oopsy Annie on YouTube
Founder of Foundologie: Handmade goods crafted from found materials.

Ann's Story Art
Storyteller/Artist/Creative Consultant
​2005 - present
Professional Storyteller, Poet, Mixed Media Artist, Art Educator, and Creative Consultant.
Haley-Henman Contemporary Art Gallery
Summer 2016
Artist in Residence. Creator of Interweaving; a conceptual, interactive, process driven installation featuring spoken word artists and community participation to promote unity.
2015 - 2022
Founder and creator of imaginative, handmade goods crafted from found objects.
Oopsy Annie YouTube Channel
2020 - Present
Wander with joyful wanderer, Oopsy Annie in this “oopsy” world as she searches out unexpected discoveries, startling sights, and surprising moments that birth joy from the unanticipated.
Places Ann Marie has performed stories:
The Meadows Museum, Dallas, TX
OPAS Encore! Bryan, TX
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX
Dallas International Film Festival (DIFF)
Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, TX
Plano International Festival, Plano, TX
College Station, TX
SPARK! Dallas, TX
Haley-Henman Contemporary Art Gallery, Dallas, TX
UNT Art Gallery, Denton, TX
Two-day Workshop, De Soto Parish, Mansfield, LA
BookMarks Library, North Park Mall, Dallas, TX
City Arts Festival, Dallas, TX
Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX
Heritage Farmstead Museum, Plano, TX
Heritage Village, Dallas, TX
Blackland Prairie Festival, Plano, TX
Tejas Storytelling Festival, Denton, TX